Size up the room. Then make it smaller.
Sometimes, you may want to book a venue that’s a bit off the beaten path. And sometimes, that venue doesn’t even know what it’s true dimensions are.
But you can.
Check out a mobile that will help you measure the size and shape of a room just by tapping the walls. Sure, it’s targeted at home owners, but there’s no reason you couldn’t use it for site selection.
Also in this issue: large rooms can make it difficult for your audience to participate in the form of questions or comments. Wireless mics work, but they’re expensive to rent and operate and passing them around the room wastes precious time.
What if your audience could use their smartphones as a wireless mic?
Now they can - in this week’s episode of The #EventTech Podcast, I talk with Tim Holladay, Co-founder of Crowd Mics about their smartphone microphone solution and their trial-by-fire launch at a major tech conference.
Until next time,
John Federico (@gadgetboy)
CEO & Co-founder