How to Check-in Attendees

Checking-in Attendees at Your Event

There are two methods for checking-in attendees at your event:

  1. Scanning a badge using the Qrious Organizer app
  2. Manually marking them as Checked-in from the Attendees tab in your Organizer control panel for this event

Scanning a Badge: Setup

  1. Download the Qrious Organizer app for your iOS device here: (Android coming soon)
  2. Login or create an individual user account using your business email address
  3. If you're not automatically recognized as a member of the Organizer team by your email address, tap the [+] icon on the Events screen and enter your Organizer code found on Summary screen for your event.
  4. Your event will appear on the Events screen.

Scanning a Badge: Usage

  1. Select your event name from the Events screen
  2. Select Check In Attendees
  3. Select the name of your session. If you don't have multiple sessions, select Registration to check-in attendees at the door.
  4. Select Scan in the upper right corner
  5. Move your device so that the full QR code is visible on the screen. The software will automatically complete the scan and you will see a green icon indicating completion. Continue scanning badges until all attendees have been accounted

Manual Check-in Using the Mobile App

  1. From the session screen, find the attendee using the Search box or jumping the corresponding letter of their last name.
  2. Select the toggle switch next to their name to check-in the attendee.

Manual Check-in Using Your Computer

  1. From your Qrious web control panel for your event select the Attendees tab
  2. Search for an attendee using the Search box
  3. When found, select Check-in

If a new badge is required:

  1. Perform the Add Attendee process. (Reminder: The email address must be unique.)
  2. Before completing the Add Attendee process, select Also check-in attendee. (Don't worry - if you miss this step, you can always perform the check-in using the Manual Check-in process above or by scanning their badge.)

Missed Someone?

If you missed someone, don't worry: they will be accounted for when they are scanned at a breakout session, keynote, cocktail reception, etc.

Keeping Track

At the top of the  Attendees tab, you can monitor your check-ins in real-time. (Note: the page will need to be refreshed to see updates)

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Last updated on July 7, 2014